Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Video contest

About the video-contest

We’ve decided that 3 to 5 min video will be allowed.
In each country, there will be a contest. Students of each school will choose the two films that will represent their school.
For the pan-European contest, we will choose a jury of 4 members for each school.
To keep the objectivity of the jury, each jury will not be allowed to vote for the videos made in their school.

Each member will have a table of criteria to mark the films.
    Background sound
    Quality of picture
    Clear message/Understandability
    Originality
    Technical visual effects

They will use 3 different marks:
•    Mark 3: I like a lot
•    Mark 2: I like a bit
•    Mark 1: I don’t like

Each member of the jury will have a document like the one presented on next page.
They will have to tick the appropriate box, regarding their feelings.